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About us


taste of individual creations

This is ticres
ticres is an artist collective founded in October 2021 in Berlin, which regularly presents unique creations from the fields of art, photography and design. Art lovers can purchase limited, signed and high-quality art prints with a certificate of authenticity.
In addition, there is 'art on fabric': art and designs on clothes and tote bags.

We first started with our online gallery and online store for limited and high quality art prints. Then we expanded our online store with art on clothes and tote bags, as we ourselves are big fans of good designs on clothes.
Who are the artists?
We are a visual artist and a photographer, two sisters who joined forces to be creative together.

With ticres we want to present and make accessible our artistic and photographic works as well as our current projects. We are interested in an exchange about art and the world and are always happy to receive feedback.

Bina Las

BINA LAS is a visual artist, psychologist and lives in Berlin.

"The exploration of art, my own artistic work and creativity have always been part of my life. The camera is my constant companion.

I am particularly interested in an experimental creative process and the use and combination of different art techniques to give the world a new surface.

I am excited to experiment with and combine my own drawings, photographs and paintings to create something new that surprises myself and also inspires new ideas. I am an artist and an observer at the same time.

This also means that at the beginning of a work I usually do not have a concrete goal in mind. It emerges in the process of trial and error, in an alternation between artistic intention, interpretation and observation.
In the process, I use art techniques such as painting, photography, collage, digital painting, and generative art elements, among others."


DEA currently lives in Freiburg, works in online marketing, is an advocate for feminism and is passionate about photography.

"Currently, I'm really into starry skies. I go out into the night, in remote and dark places in the Black Forest, and capture the lights of the galaxy.

My constant motifs also include urban scenes with people in everyday life, portraits and architecture, preferably as black and white photography. I have discovered analog photography for the first time. It offers me exactly the contrast I need in everyday life to push the digital aside for a few moments."
Current artworks

More Heart, less Mind

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